I Fight Dragons: Your Typical Teenager Who Occasionally Writes

The journal of a girl with way too much time on her hands and a story to write.

Archive for the tag “plot”

Journal Entry #9: Actual Proof that I’m Actually Doing Work

So, we’re supposed to post images that somehow prove we’re Actually Doing Our Personal Project. (Actually, we were supposed to do that first back in October and again recently, but I kind of didn’t do that. Woops.) But the thing is, it’s a bit hard to take pictures of a story, particularly an unpublished story that currently resides in my computer while awaiting its final stages of completion. It’s not a painting I can take snapshots of while in every stage. However, I came up with something, and this is what I came up with:

(note: I’ll only make one journal entry for this, since I’m making one so late. I didn’t exactly follow the journal entry order in the way things were supposed to be and added some extras. So I hope this is okay.)

The websites I used for my lists of literary magazines and places to publish are this and this.

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